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Teacher Tiffany is Officially on the Ballot for Portland City Council District 3!

By July 19, 2024Announcements, News
Teacher Tfifany standing in front of a counter speaking with a city clerk

Yesterday I got the news that I have officially qualified for the November ballot to run for Portland City Council District 3. A couple of weeks ago I went to City Hall in the middle of the day to file my paperwork. The process itself is easy–you answer a few questions on a form and pay a fee and hand your papers into the person behind the glass at the City Auditor’s office. There is a big map of Portland’s City Council districts in the room and it was fun to see this new vision of the city up close, not thinking of it as new borders and divisions, but imagining more full representation for people in all parts of the city.

The process was so efficient that I found myself with extra time and took a minute to stand in the center of City Hall. It was surprisingly emotional. I thought about my grandparents, who were forced into camps at Gila River, Arizona and Topaz, Utah, in an act that changed the trajectory of their lives. Japanese American incarceration divided families, destroyed communities and livelihoods, and left deep scars on generations of my people. It’s why my mother didn’t teach me Japanese and why my grandparents didn’t talk about their childhood and adolescence as I was growing up.

This history is a huge part of why I am running to be the first Asian American member of Portland City Council. It’s not that representation fixes everything. But I know that my community is not the only one that has been failed by a public policy. Past injustices shape many of our present realities, but they don’t have to dictate the future. I am called to this work because I know we can build a city that guarantees a dignified existence for all of its residents. I want a city where everyone can put down roots and build a community that flourishes over generations.  I’m so proud to officially be on the ballot and look forward to representing District 3 on the Portland City Council.

Running for city office is a step that would have been impossible for many of my family members, and I do not take that lightly. I’m so grateful to everyone who has donated or knocked a door to help me get into office. Can you donate $25 today or text five friends to contribute? If you have donated, can you hit the maximum of $350? And please, please sign up to come knock doors this summer! We’ve knocked almost 2,000 so far, and we have a long way to go. It is a really, truly, genuinely fun way to get outside and get to know people in our district, and it’s one of the best ways to get me to City Hall in November.

Thank you for coming with me.

Teacher Tiffany

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